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C# 核对通过吉大港山区的热邮箱
原标题:C# checking Hotmail Inbox through HTTP
  • 时间:2011-01-23 16:51:23
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • hotmail

我正在寻找一个快行道或一个图书馆,利用吉大港山区对箱子的热邮。 请注意,它必须是通过Http,而不是流pop3或Imap(不支持任何途径)。 我需要这样说,因为我需要把使用Http Proxies的若干账户连接起来,而这种账户在Ppop3会议上没有得到支持。 感谢任何帮助。



我认为,如果不模拟用户在浏览器内将做些什么,目前是不可能的。 最为容易的办法是利用“VS2010测试专业”或“VS2010年终局”能力记录浏览会场和制定C#代码,这同样! 见http://blogs.msdn.com/b/slumley/archive/2009/05/28/vs-2010-feature-web-test-playback-enhancements.aspx”rel=“nofollow”>here,它为我做了大量外箱的工作,并制定了可读代码,供你在申请中重新使用。

BWT, those seems to be the existing APIs:
- pop3.live.com, port 995 (SSL Required) for incoming mails;
- smtp.live.com, port 25 (no SSL) or 587 (SSL) for sending e-mail;
- Windows Live Messenger Contacts API (legacy) allows accessing the contacts;
- Windows Live Messenger Connect allows doing anything messenger can do;
- Windows Live Messenger Mailbox properties allow to see the number of mails and unread mails;


没有任何官方途径使用吉大港山区电话。 这份正式声明是:


Windows Mail & Outlook Connector both use a protocol named DeltaSync that is not documented.

有些人试图改变这种伪装:,DeltaSync HU01 decompression代码已发布,但显然没有任何保证不会发展——事实上,你可以肯定这 /will

因此,你与第PC3号:。 热邮件和MSN账户 POP3/SMTP Access

You could use a hidden WebBrowser control. And then use the source code to capture the email titles and all. In that answer I explain how to do it.


You need to reverse-eningeer the DeltaSync protocol. Use the 32-Bit version of MS-Mail and oSpy to capture the SSL packets + Wireshark to capture the http packets.

This is probably not what you are looking for, but you could tunnel a pop3 connection through http. The down side is that you would need a server somewhere outside your lan that you can connect to. Here is an example: Pop3 over Http



Try looking at WaTiN. It s a framework we use to perform tests on our webapplication, mimicing user interaction. We also use to to communicate with Mailinator to check dummy emails.


你们还可以 we,提供正确的员额数据,以便作一个标志,但这实际上并不困难。 之后,仅对答复的内容进行分类,以检查是否有电子邮件。

你曾经能够使用该系统。 电子邮件名称空间和邮件用户可直接与热邮件服务器连接,但如果热邮件仍然允许,则不会确定。

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