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原标题:Yet another producer/consumer problem in Twisted Python

I am building a server which stores key/value data on top of Redis using Twisted Python. The server receives a JSON dictionary via HTTP, which is converted into a Python dictionary and put in a buffer. Everytime new data is stored, the server schedules a task which pops one dictionary from the buffer and writes every tuple into a Redis instance, using a txredis client.

class Datastore(Resource):

isLeaf = True

def __init__(self):
    self.clientCreator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, Redis)
    d = self.clientCreator.connectTCP(...)
    self.redis = None
    self.buffer = deque()

def render_POST(self, request):
        task_id = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( x-task-id )[0]
    except IndexError:
        return  <html><body>Error reading task_id</body></html>   

    data = json.loads(request.content.read())
    self.buffer.append((task_id, data))
    reactor.callLater(0, self.write_on_redis)

def write_on_redis(self):
        task_id, dic = self.buffer.pop()
        log.msg( Buffer: %s  % len(self.buffer))
    except IndexError:
        log.msg( buffer empty )

    m = yield self.redis.sismember( DONE , task_id)
    # Simple check
    if m ==  1 :
        log.msg( %s already stored  % task_id)
        log.msg( %s unpacking  % task_id)
        s = yield self.redis.sadd( DONE , task_id)

        d = defer.Deferred()
        for k, v in dic.iteritems():
            k = k.encode()
            d.addCallback(self.redis.push, k, v)


Basically, I am facing a Producer/Consumer problem between two different connections, but I am not sure that the current implementation works well in the Twisted paradygm. I have read the small documentation about producer/consumer interfaces in Twisted, but I am not sure if I can use them in my case. Any critics is welcome: I am trying to get a grasp of event-driven programming, after too many years of thread concurrency.


Twisted、IProducerIConsumer的生产者和消费者预报系统均涉及流动控制。 你们似乎没有任何流动控制,你只是把一个议定书的信息传递给另一个议定书。

由于没有流动控制,缓冲区就更加复杂。 仅通过将数据直接通过<代码>write_on_redis方法,你就可以删除。 http://code>write_on_redis 没有必要处理空洞的缓冲案件,你不需要额外的资源,你甚至可以删除<代码>的。 (即使你保持缓冲,你也可以这样做)。

不过,我不知道这是否回答了你的问题。 就这一方法是否“良好”而言,我刚才通过阅读该守则注意到的情况是:

  • If data arrives faster than redis accepts it, your list of outstanding jobs may become arbitrarily large, causing you to run out of memory. This is what flow control would help with.
  • With no error handling around the sismember call or the sadd call, you may lose tasks if either of these fail, since you ve already popped them from the work buffer.
  • Doing a push as a callback on that Deferred d also means that any failed push will prevent the rest of the data from being pushed. It also passes the result of the Deferred returned by push (I m assuming it returns a Deferred) as the first argument to the next call, so unless push more or less ignores its first argument, you won t be pushing the right data to redis.

如果你想实施流动控制,那么您的吉大港山区服务器需要检查<条码>的长度。 您仍在使用<代码>IConsumer和_IProducer,但也有类似之处。



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