English 中文(简体)
• 如何将所有WMI的row出口到档案中?
原标题:How to export all rows of a WMI query to a file?


  1. Is there a way to interrogate the result object for the names of the columns returned?
  2. Write all the rows in the result object to a text file, say


是的。 每一WMI物体都有Properties_,其中提供了关于该物体特性的资料。 为获得物体上的财产名称,列举了<代码>。 财产——收集和核对每个项目<代码>Name。


Enumerate all the rows and use the FileSystemObject to write them to the desired text file. Pseudocode:

create a text file and open it for writing

for each object in the result set
  for each property in the object
    write the property value to the file

close the file

Alternatively, you could use wmic to do all the work for you:

wmic /output:e:processes.txt process get /all
wmic /output:e:processes.csv process get /all /format:csv


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