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Orbeon Form Buildinger - Physical place of form elements
原标题:Orbeon Form Builder - physical placement of form elements
  • 时间:2011-03-09 17:47:04
  •  标签:
  • orbeon

Is it possible to control the formatting/physical placement of the form elements on the form? I understand the current layout is grid-based. I am wondering if it is possible to use Form Builder to build a form that exactly (or at least closely) matches our sales lead generation paper form.

Thanks GP


形式建筑商只支持基于电网的布局。 如果你所铭记的布局完全不同,那么你可以“手头”写XForms。 为此,你可以通过撰写自己的超文本来全面控制形式领域的布局。

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