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Can Firebase s GeoFire be downloaded via Swift Package Manager?

Can Firebase s GeoFire be downloaded via Swift Package Manager?

I read a comment here that it can be if Firebase is installed under the main branch instead of a version rule, but the Firebase docs only mention installing via CocoaPods.

Also, if it is possible this way, isn t it still recommended that Firebase is installed under a version rule and not the main branch?

My main concern is that I have Firebase fully integrated in my project via SPM, but now I want to add the GeoFire product. If GeoFire must be installed with CocoaPods, do I have to completely uninstall Firebase from SPM and reinstall it as a cocoa pod, or can I leave it with both...


This is what I did and it worked for me:

  1. I downloaded GeoFire/Objective-C from github https://github.com/firebase/geofire-objc

  2. Unzipped the library and copied the contents of the API, Implementation and Utils folders into corresponding folders I created in my SwiftUI project. The result was something like this: GeoFireObjcFiles API h GeoFire h GFCircleQuery h GFQuery h GFRegionQuery Implementation h GFQuery+Private m GFQuery h GeoFire+Private m GeoFire Utils h GFBase32Utils m GFBase32Utils h GFGeoHash m GFUtils h GFUtils m GFGeoQueryBounds h GFGeoQueryBounds m GfGeoHashQuery h GFGeoHashQuery m GFGeoHash

  3. I created a Bridging Header and #import ed all the objective-C .h files into it See CallObjectiveCFromSwift

  4. I made sure the .m files are added to BuildPhases->CompileSources list

And that was it. I built and everything was fine.

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