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VBA 用户论坛:在运行期间添加文本Box或Button指挥系统和活动
原标题:VBA UserForm: Add TextBox or CommandButton and event during runtime

我很高兴得到一些帮助! 我在寻找整个网络,但我m!


I want to create a VBA UserForm in MS Project 2007 VBA. A few data are dynamic and so I need to add a few text fields during runtime.


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我的问题是在这些案文领域增加活动。

My example is the txtPath text field. I create it with this code:

  Set NewTextBox = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1")
  With NewTextBox
      .name = "txtPath"
      .value = "Test"
      .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * 1)
      .Left = m2w_style("left") + m2w_style("lblWidth") + m2w_style("margin")
      .Width = m2w_style("txtWidth")
      .height = m2w_style("height")
      .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
      .font.name = m2w_style("font")
  End With

And I want a reaction if the value of txtPath has changed. Here the code:

Private Sub txtPath_Change() Event doesn t shoot readProjectsFromConfig (Me.value) End Sub



So I tried this to at least get the value of the text field and it works.

Private Sub btnPath_Click()
   txtPath.value = "Hello World!"   Doesn t work. Dynamicly created text field seems not to exist but is visible in UserForm
   Controls.Item("txtPath").value = "Hello World!"   This works!
  Controls.Item("txtPath").value = GetDirectory("Pick the folder")   Pick a folder and write it in the text field txtPath
End Sub


  Reference to Library
  Microsoft XML, v5.0 need to be activated.
  Go to menu: Tools->References
  Select Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Public m2w_config As Dictionary
Public m2w_style As Dictionary

Sub m2wVariables()
    Set global Variables for configuration in a kind of hash.
  Set m2w_config = New Dictionary
  Set m2w_style = New Dictionary

   Styles for teh UserForm
  m2w_style("font") = "Arial"
  m2w_style("fontsize") = 10
  m2w_style("top") = 6
  m2w_style("left") = 6
  m2w_style("height") = 20
  m2w_style("btnHeight") = 8
  m2w_style("width") = 40
  m2w_style("lblWidth") = 40
  m2w_style("h1Width") = 400
  m2w_style("txtWidth") = 180
  m2w_style("btnWidth") = 72
  m2w_style("margin") = 6

  m2w_config("XMLDateFormat") = "YYYY-MM-DD"
  m2w_config("XMLConfigFileName") = "config.xml"   should not be changeable
  m2w_config("AppPath") = ""
  m2w_config("Headline") = ""   Headline in Website
  m2w_config("UpdateHref") = ""
  m2w_config("SubFolder") = ""   Is it used?
  m2w_config("default_subfolder") = ""   Is it used?

End Sub

  Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

      Dim LabelArr As Variant
      Dim ProbNameArr As Variant
      Dim TempForm As Object
      Dim NewButton As MSForms.CommandButton
      Dim NewLabel As MSForms.Label
      Dim NewTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
      Dim e As Variant
      Dim x As Integer
      Dim page As String
       Dim Line As Integer
       Dim MyScript(4) As String


        Setup userform

         This is to stop screen flashing while creating form
        Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False

          Setup tab Website
          page = "Website"
          Set NewLabel = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
          With NewLabel
              .name = "lblHeadlinePath"
              .Caption = "This is the local path where the website shall be stored."
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * 0)
              .Left = m2w_style("left")
              .Width = m2w_style("h1Width")
              .height = m2w_style("height")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
          End With

          Set NewLabel = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
          With NewLabel
              .name = "lblPath"
              .Caption = "Path:"
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * 1)
              .Left = m2w_style("left")
              .Width = m2w_style("lblWidth")
              .height = m2w_style("height")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
          End With

          Set NewTextBox = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1")
          With NewTextBox
              .name = "txtPath"
              .value = "Test"
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * 1)
              .Left = m2w_style("left") + m2w_style("lblWidth") + m2w_style("margin")
              .Width = m2w_style("txtWidth")
              .height = m2w_style("height")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
          End With

           Add event onClick
            This is completely weird, it actualy writes code.
            My intention is to add an event at runtime.
          With ThisProject.VBProject.VBComponents("msp2web_SettingsForm").CodeModule
            .insertlines .CountOfLines + 1, "Sub txtPath_Change()" & vbCrLf & "MsgBox Me.txtPath.Value" & vbCrLf & "End Sub"
            Debug.Print Now & " This macro has code lines " & .CountOfLines
          End With

          Dim btnName As String
          btnName = "btnPath"
           Set NewButton = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.commandbutton.1", btnName)   Add dynamicly - but I m too stupid to add an event action to an dynamicly created button...
          Set NewButton = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Item(btnName)
          With NewButton
              .Caption = "Browse..."
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * 1)
              .Left = m2w_style("left") + m2w_style("lblWidth") + m2w_style("margin") + m2w_style("txtWidth") + m2w_style("margin")
              .Width = m2w_style("lblWidth")
              .height = m2w_style("btnHeight")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
              .AutoSize = True
          End With

          Setup Tab Project
        page = "Project"
        LabelArr = Array("Hallo", "Welt", "Model Year")
        ProbNameArr = Array("Hallo", "Welt", "Model Year")

         Create 10 Labels just for testing - works fine
         For x = 0 To 9
        x = 0
        For Each e In LabelArr
            Set NewLabel = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
            With NewLabel
              .name = "FieldLabel" & x + 1
              .Caption = e
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * x)
              .Left = m2w_style("left")
              .Width = m2w_style("lblWidth")
              .height = m2w_style("height")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
            End With
            x = x + 1

         Create 10 Text Boxes
         For x = 0 To 9
        x = 0
        For Each e In ProbNameArr
            Set NewTextBox = Me.InfoMultiPage(page).Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1")
            With NewTextBox
              .name = "MyTextBox" & x + 1
              .top = m2w_style("top") + (m2w_style("height") * x)
              .Left = m2w_style("left") + m2w_style("lblWidth") + m2w_style("margin")
              .Width = m2w_style("lblWidth")
              .height = m2w_style("height")
              .font.Size = m2w_style("fontsize")
              .font.name = m2w_style("font")
            End With
            x = x + 1

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnPath_Click()
       txtPath.value = "Hello World!"   Doesn t work. Dynamicly created text field seems not to exist but is visible in UserForm
       Controls.Item("txtPath").value = "Hello World!"   This works!
      Controls.Item("txtPath").value = GetDirectory("Pick the folder")   Pick a folder and write it in the text field txtPath
    End Sub

    Private Sub txtPath_Change()   Event doesn t shoot
      readProjectsFromConfig (Me.value)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Refresh_Click()
      readProjectsFromConfig (Controls.Item("txtPath").value)
    End Sub

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 寒冷的人告诉我,如何建立基于(运行时间)的文字箱和指挥区,并增加它们的活动?


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