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方框2D - 是否有办法清理地面布2EdgeShape
原标题:Box 2D - Is there a way to Move the Ground b2EdgeShape up

I m在“i”游戏中工作,地面长,重复直径层的物体,该物体在屏幕底线上延伸了约30个。 我试图使我的地面对冲形成30个els子,这样,当参与者从跳跃到地面上的土地时,他就会以地面形象为重。 当我尝试增加以下法典时,它就没有工作:

b2BodyDef groundBodyDef;
groundBodyDef.position.Set(0, 30/PTM_RATIO);

b2Body *groundBody=world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);

b2EdgeShape groundLine;
groundLine.Set(b2Vec2(0, 30/PTM_RATIO), b2Vec2(screenSize.width/PTM_RATIO, 30/PTM_RATIO));
groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundLine, 0);

I realize I could probably use a rectangle shape for the ground, but since my player sprite is only colliding with the top of the image, I would rather get away with an edge shape.


当你确定形状的位置时(例如,根据你的例子),你将担任关于体/体格的地位的立场的职位。 因此,贵机构已经处于 y30,因此,你们的形状将是上面的30个。

For ground bodies I recommend just leaving the body position at 0,0 and then adding the fixtures at the position you want them - typically there is only one ground body.


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