English 中文(简体)
原标题:Compile time generics syntax
  • 时间:2011-04-13 13:37:49
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • generics
class GenericWrapper<T>

class WrapperInstance : GenericWrapper<string>

class Usage
    public static Usage Create<T1, T2> (T2 t2) where T1 : GenericWrapper<T2>
        return null;


// works
Usage.Create<WrapperInstance, string>("bar");

// doesnt work



我知道,我可以通过使用第一种方法或以<条码>object作为论据和进行操作时间检查来汇编,但这不是问题;] 我基本上怀疑这些是我唯一的两个选择。

增 编



<代码>Create有两个通用参数。 你们要么没有具体说明,要么就明确了。 如果没有,编辑将试图从援引理由中推断出这些类型。 然而,在这种情况下,它不能因为<代码>T1从来不出现在论点清单中。 因此,你必须明确这两点。


There are two problems here:

  • You want to infer just one type argument, and specify the other. You can t do that with normal type inference. However, you could make Usage generic, thus specifying one type argument there, and letting the other be inferred using the generic method:



  • The type parameter you want to specify (T1) is constrained by the one you want to infer (T2). The above example can t do that, as Usage<WrapperInstance> doesn t "have" a T2 to validate... and you can t constrain an existing type parameter on a generic method - only ones which are introduced in the method.

我认为,我们有一种方式: 为此:

public class Usage
    public static Usage<T2> For<T2>(T2 t2)
        return new Usage<T2>(t2);

public class Usage<T2>
    private readonly T2 t2; // Assuming we need it

    public Usage(T2 t2)
        this.t2 = t2;

    // I don t know what return type you really want here
    public static Foo Create<T1>() where T1 : GenericWrapper<T2>
        // Whatever



在不了解你试图做些什么的情况下,我不知道这是否有用——但does <>/em>设法完成你在以下各方面的工作:

  • Validating the WrapperInstance type argument
  • Inferring the string type argument

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