English 中文(简体)
原标题:One parameter or many


BuildThing(Thing a);
BuildThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things);

Is this good from a clean code point of view? Or is maybe it would be better to just use BuildThings and pass IEnumerable with only one Thing? Or use params?





void Build(Thing thing);
void Build(IEnumerable<Thing> things);


void Build(Thing thing)
    Build(new [] { thing });

void Build(IEnumerable<Thing> things)
    //do stuff

我倾向于采用这一模式的原因是,它确保你留在DRY。 虽然允许你灵活多载荷,但与<条码>第不同,你必须把任何非记录电子数字转换成一个阵列。



BuildThings(params Thing[] things);


BuildThings(thing1, thing2, thing3, ...);


i 认为,只要你只是一个执行方法,你就会有两条或更多方法。

public void BuildThing(Thing a)
    this.BuildThings(new List<Thing>(){a});

你提供的方法似乎是一种良好做法。 当你只重新建立单一案例而不是多起案件时,你想要做的事情可能有所不同。


Purely from a clean code point of view, this is perfectly ok. Although functionally the alternatives might or might not suit you better. For example, using params forces the collection to be enumerated before the call as opposed to lazily enumerated inside the call.

I would consider two cases:

  1. to have those two methods, but in BuildThing(Thing a) I would use BuildThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things) and pass IEnumerable with only one Thing
  2. Create only one method with params This option have one drawback - you have to convert every IEnumerable to Array (except of arrays of course) if you want to pass more then one argument.

I would go with params solution probably.

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