目前,没有使用春ro,所有杰尔档案都放在与html档案相同的夹中。 该手册能够运行。
在春ro,我曾试图将html和.jar档案放在弧/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views的夹中。 网页可以查取,但书卷号为t。 该页显示一个破碎的传单,它说我的主要阶层没有发现。
我认为,在看法中增加资源档案不是撰写网上申请的适当方式,但你在春季网上如何适当这样做? 我真的无能为力。
目前,没有使用春ro,所有杰尔档案都放在与html档案相同的夹中。 该手册能够运行。
在春ro,我曾试图将html和.jar档案放在弧/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views的夹中。 网页可以查取,但书卷号为t。 该页显示一个破碎的传单,它说我的主要阶层没有发现。
我认为,在看法中增加资源档案不是撰写网上申请的适当方式,但你在春季网上如何适当这样做? 我真的无能为力。
Place your applet s jar outside WEB-INF
folder. For example create applets
folder in {project_roo}/src/main/webapp
and pace your jar there (I mean {project_roo}/src/main/webapp/applets
). You can refer it from the web as http://{my_context_root}/applets/my-applet.jar
Consider the following simple example: One team has many players and a player may only belong to one team. @Entity public class Team { @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "team") ...
I ve got a problem running a batch job on my server, whereas it runs fine from Eclipse on my development workstation. I ve got my Spring environment set up using Roo, made an entity, and make a batch ...
I started experimenting with Spring Roo just recently. It does a very nice job helping one build a domain model with integrated persistence rather quickly. As it adds persistence functionality in ...
I have a maven project generated by Spring Roo and use several tools (checkstyle, pmd etc.) to collect information about my project. (namely I am using codehaus sonar for this) Roo makes heavy use ...
I have written a couple of simple addon s for Spring Roo. How do you maintain state between succesive commands?
I used Roo to create a project that uses existing database. Im able to create dynamic finders, but I want to implement custom finder that will receive 4 parameters and use some of them to create Like ...
SpringSource (now VMWare) has two very similar technologies: Grails and Spring Roo. I have been using Grails, but I see that SpringSource is actively working on something that is a competitor for that ...
I am looking to build a console driven application, which would somewhat like look like the Spring ROO Console, any ideas ?.