English 中文(简体)
原标题:remove CRLF in the last line

如何去除最后的<代码>crlf 准则如下:

  Dim fh As StreamReader
  Dim temp as string
  Dim temp1 as string
  fh = new StreamReader("haggis.txt")
  Dim s As String = fh.ReadLine()
  While not s Is Nothing

    temp = temp & s & Vbcrlf


  End While



crlf  <---- I want to remove this.

您不应直接使用<条码>。 我认识到上述守则也只是一个例子,但你从未在座右边更新s,因此如果进入,那将是无限的休息。

Assuming you fix that, you want to use a StringBuilder for the String concatenation:

Dim temp As New System.Text.StringBuilder()

While s IsNot Nothing


End While

Dim answer As String = ""

  avoid trying to get a substring if it s blank
If temp.Length <> 0 Then

    answer = temp.ToString(0, temp.Length - vbCrLf.Length)

End If

To get it without the last vbCrLf, simply chop it off as I do above.


Try this instead: use File.ReadAllLines() so that you don t have to use a vbCrLf at all. It loads all lines into a string array.

 Dim readText() As String = File.ReadAllLines("haggis.txt")
 Dim s As String
 For Each s In readText

This could be an easy solution

    For Each 
            If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strline)) Then
                strline = strline & objSR.ReadLine()
                strline = vbCrLf & objSR.ReadLine()
            End If

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