English 中文(简体)
原标题:Performance of protobuf-net vs DataContractSerializer over WCF

I tested protobuf serialization and it seems that for below a certain quantity of objects, it s slower than regular datacontract serialization. The transmission size is bigger using DataContractSerializer but during serialization and deserialization it is faster to use DataContractSerializer

Do you think this is normal or did I made a mistake?

public partial class Toto
    public string NomToto { get; set; }

    public string PrenomToto { get; set; }


public partial class Titi
    public string NomTiti { get; set; }

    public string PrenomTiti { get; set; }


public class TitiService : ITitiService
    public byte[] GetAllTitis()
        List<Titi> titiList = new List<Titi>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
            var titi = new Titi
                NomTiti = "NomTiti" + i,
                PrenomTiti = "PrenomTiti" + i
        var ms = new MemoryStream();
        Serializer.Serialize(ms, titiList);

        byte[] arr = ms.ToArray();
        return arr;


public class TotoService : ITotoService
    public List<Toto> GetAllTotos()
        List<Toto> totoList = new List<Toto>();
        for (int i = 0; i<20000; i++)
            var toto = new Toto
                NomToto = "NomToto" + i,
                PrenomToto = "PrenomToto" + i
        return totoList;


    public partial class Program
    static ProtobufTestAzure.Client.TitiService.TitiServiceClient TitiClient;
    static ProtobufTestAzure.Client.TotoService.TotoServiceClient TotoClient;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Stopwatch stopwatch1 = new Stopwatch();
        Stopwatch stopwatch2 = new Stopwatch();
        Stopwatch stopwatch3 = new Stopwatch();


        TitiClient = new ProtobufTestAzure.Client.TitiService.TitiServiceClient();
        Byte[] titiByte = TitiClient.GetAllTitis();



        var ms = new MemoryStream(titiByte);
        List<Titi> TitiList = Serializer.Deserialize<List<Titi>>(ms);


        Console.WriteLine(" ");


        TotoClient = new ProtobufTestAzure.Client.TotoService.TotoServiceClient();
        var TotoList = TotoClient.GetAllTotos();


        Console.WriteLine("Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): {0} ms ({1} éléments)", stopwatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds, TitiList.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf : {0} ms ({1} éléments)", stopwatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds, TitiList.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Time elapse for réception (Datacontract Serialization) : {0} ms ({1} éléments)", stopwatch3.ElapsedMilliseconds, TotoList.Count);


10 000件物体

Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 3359 ms (10000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 138 ms (10000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 2200ms (10000 elements)

I test it whith 20000 objects It gave me for the first call

Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 11258ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 133ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 3726ms (20000 elements)


Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 2844 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 141 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 7541 ms (20000 elements)


Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 2767ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 145 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 3989 ms (20000 elements)



Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 3316 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 63 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 3769 ms (20000 elements)


Time elapse for reception (Protobuf): 2279 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for deserialization (Protobuf): 57 ms (20000 elements) Time elapse for reception (Datacontract Serialization): 3959 ms (20000 elements)


            long totoSize = new long();
        using (Stream s = new MemoryStream())
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            formatter.Serialize(s, totoList);
            totoSize = s.Length;

        long titiSize = titiByte.Count();

it gave me 637780 with protobuf and 1038236 with DataContractSerializer Durations for call are better and more stable this morning first call protobuf = 2498 ms datacontract = 5085 ms

second call protobuf = 3649 ms datacontract = 3840 ms

third call protobuf = 2498 ms datacontract = 5085 ms



  • is the serializer prepared? This is automatic on the first use per-type; the first time through, it needs to do quite a bit of inspection etc to figure out how your model works. You can offset this by calling Serializer.PrepareSerializer<YourType>() somewhere during startup
    • or as an alternative, in v2 (available as "alpha") you can pre-generate the serializer as a dll if you need the fastest possible cold-start performance
  • what is the transport? in particular with WCF, you need to keep in mind how your byte[] is encoded (this isn t a problem on sockets, of course); for example, can the transport use MTOM? or is it base-64 encoding the byte[]?
    • and note also that it is possible that Stream and byte[] are handled differently; if you can measure the bandwidth, you might want to try both
    • basic-http with MTOM enabled is my preference for WCF transports if absolute speed is your aim; or sockets if you want to get closer to the limit


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