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Pass Unix Timestamp to REST API Using Curl UnderWindows
原标题:Pass Unix Timestamp to REST API Using Curl Under Windows

我正在利用曲线与来自Windows指挥线的JeBrains YouTrack问题跟踪器的REST的A普切斯互动。 这是一种非常简单的过程,除盖尔外没有其他用途(作为单一窗口加以验证)。 我要简单地讲几句,但我已经提出一个问题。 一份内容提要文件希望我通过一个“灯光灯”,但是没有Windows的用途来制作。 我相信,只字不提一件事就够简单了,但我更喜欢不要再vent。




Is there a utility to generate the Unix timestamp on windows that is self contained, ie I don t need to install cygwin or something huge like that.


type nul >pcmd.ps1
echo $timestamp=Get-Date -UFormat  %%s  >>pcmd.ps1
echo $timestamp=[Math]::Truncate($timestamp) >> pcmd.ps1
echo curl "http://myserver/rest/admin?releaseDate=$timestamp&isReleased=true" -v -b yt --upload-file empty >>pcmd.ps1

type pcmd.ps1

powershell - <pcmd.ps1

日期:Now。 自01/01/0001年以来,Windows的“hundreds of nano seconds”数量就是如此。

Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since 01/01/1970.

You should be able to subtract to get the target timestamp.

DateTime dateTimeIWant = new DateTime(2011,05,01);
int targetUnixTimeStamp = (dateTimeIWant.Ticks - new DateTime(1970,1,1).Ticks) / 10000;

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