原文:Best suited ARM based development kit for porting android OS
原文:problems with arm-elf-gcc cross compiler on OS X
I m 试图汇编我的首个轴心ARM hello世界方案,当我复制并操作双向我的 target球板(Llinuxstamp Atmel arm 9g20) 我获得“法律指导”。
原文:How can a bne branch work without a previous cmp compare in ARM sssembly?
I m learning subroutines in Arm assembly and I m confused with an example. For " bne Body " doesn t it need a cmp x, y before it? What s it comparing? @ Sum of the first "MAX" Fibonacci with ...
原文:ARM Linux: Why does the linux expect the register r0 to be set to zero
ARM Linux booting manual says that the register r0 should be zero. Why should the register r0 be zer0? http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/booting.php CPU register settings r0 = 0. r1 = ...
原文:B instruction encoding
Im学校正在撰写ARM模拟器。 In the ARM ARM (http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~prabal/teaching/eecs373-f11/readings/ARMv7-M_ARM.pdf) a. 计算第二和第三最高轨道......
原文:Problems with Qualcomm Scorpion dual-core ARM NEON code?
我正在开发一个本土图书馆,供我使用ARM组优化和多读物,以便在MSM8660双重计分的ARM芯片上取得最大的业绩。 ......
原文:Cortex A9 NEON vs VFP usage confusion
I m 试图为一家更具体的Corx A9 ARM加工商(OMMAP4)和I m建造一个图书馆,在浮动点背景下何时使用近地天体N vs VFP,这在一点混淆之中。
原文:mono ./configure --host=arm-linux?
原文:A thread-safe vector and string container?
我在前一个问题“Seg Fault在使用斜体时:在嵌入式的欧林地平台上铺设”时,我曾提出一些非常有益的建议。 我从那时起就停止了其他项目,最近又放弃了。
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