原文:What is a "this-escape" warning, and how do I deal with it?
I struggle to find resources on this, and yet, so many of my classes are running into this error when I compile my code on the latest Java (21). Here is a code example. public class ThisEscapeExample {...
原文:What s with "Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns..."?
这个编译器类似: 让我们测试 Xf Yf = Xf + Yf + Yf 。 这个编译器不像: 让测试 Xfd Yfd = Xfd + Yfd 警告 : 大写变量识别符一般不应用于模式, 可能...
原文:Getting compilation warnings for non-prototype declarations
在C,功能申报可以是原型或非proto型申报。 例如,考虑以下最低方案:
原文:Show compiler warnings without editing pom.xml
I would like to always show compiler warning and deprecation when I compile with Maven. I know how to do it by editing the pom.xml, but I want this behavior by default only for myself (so I can t edit ...
原文:Is using #pragma warning push/pop the right way to temporarily alter warning level?
一旦难以写出C++代码,就会发出警告。 然而,发出警告是一种好的想法。 因此,往往有必要围绕某些具体内容发出可调和的警告......
原文:Redundant Compiler Warnings
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