Oliver SED 稿发现第1行与模式相匹配,删除
原文:Linux SED script find the 1st line that match pattern and delete it
原文:Linux SED script find the 1st line that match pattern and delete it
我想建立一个精干的指挥系统,在档案中找到一条与模式相匹配的线,删除所有这条线,或者用一些其他案文取而代之。 由于......
原文:using command substitution inside a sed script, with arguments
原文:using command substitution inside a sed script, with arguments
原文:Replace string in another file with sed from bash script
原文:Replace string in another file with sed from bash script
我试图将环境变量定义的价值(如果有的话)从纸面上取而代之。 我知道我可以这样做,但我不肯定,如何取代......的价值。
原文:Regular expression and sed to remove all occurences of some string from hundreds of files
原文:Regular expression and sed to remove all occurences of some string from hundreds of files
我将网络用于有关定期表达和使用的信息。 我也打开了手套。 然而,我在此提出这个问题是因为我相信有人经常使用这两个问题。
原文:Adding line with text between pattern and next occurence of the same pattern in bash
原文:Adding line with text between pattern and next occurence of the same pattern in bash
原文:How do i get "sed" to delete everything else but email address.
原文:How do i get "sed" to delete everything else but email address.
原文:Why is this sed RegEx expression chopping off digits in certain circumstances?
原文:Why is this sed RegEx expression chopping off digits in certain circumstances?
sed -e s/*-{0,1},{0,1} *[Pp][Aa]{0,1}[Rr]{0,1}[Tt].{0,1} *[0-9]{1,}
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