原文:What exactly is a python sub message object if is_multipart is true and how does python organize them?
原文:What exactly is a python sub message object if is_multipart is true and how does python organize them?
原文:How can I hold a SMTP connection open with smtplib and Python?
原文:How can I hold a SMTP connection open with smtplib and Python?
C++ 体面的员工和管理当局方案客户
原文:Decent SMTP client in C++
原文:Decent SMTP client in C++
我愿在C++中拥有一个拥有许可的体面的员工和管理当局协调方案的客户边图书馆(LGPL、BSD、MIT-X,......)。 它必须至少达到821和2487条,最好是遵守。
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- oop
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- information-hiding