原文:Null terminated strings in a legacy C++ Win32 DLL - is there a better way?
I m trying to add proper error reporting to a legacy C++ Win32 DLL, after not having programmed in C++ for more than a decade. This has been a forcible reminder of the incredible tedium of working ...
原文:Check if the output returned by a query contains a string/number or not
原文:How to obtain different combinations in Java [closed]
如果说“ABCDE”,那么,怎样才能把两者结合起来? 这项任务是否有一份意向书?
原文:Compare one String with multiple values in one expression
I have one String variable, str with possible values, val1, val2 and val3. I want to compare (with equal case) str to all of these values using an if statement, for example: if("val1"....
原文:How do I access both binary and text data for email processing with Python 3?
我正在把Adhur 2方案转换为3 和I m,不肯定采取什么做法。
原文:C++ convert string to wstring and back with Minimal code
下面的法典将体力转换为我需要称之为我使用的阻塞方法的指针。 然而,我所储存的言辞的地图是全面的。 我看着......。
原文:Ignoring spaces while counting String tokens
原文:Converting DOMString to String in javascript
我正在使用javascript,在显示器桌上增加一组列头的工具。 我正试图利用一个阵列来绘制对头盔的相应描述,但并非奏效。
原文:Why does [-1:-1:-1] not work for reversing a string?
原文:encoding and storage of IVs
I m使用Ruby-SL标准图书馆。 它采用一种称为随机_iv的方法,在ASCII-8BIT(白化工)编码中产生四级的对应长度。 然而,我的铁路评估和数据库是......。
原文:PHP First occurance of string before and after index
I have a string ex. abcd.something.dcba And I have an index ex. 9 (in this case that is e) and I would have to get the string between the two .s. I do not know how far back the first dot is from the ...
原文:C-Style strings to std::string conversion clarification
我认为,有C++经验的人很容易回答几个问题,我 bold笑TL的问道。
原文:How come I can t use toLowerCase() after using a StringBuffer?
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