原文:Why I don t get the right result
原文:Why I don t get the right result
我想加上两位30位数,并加起来。 如你在8086年所知,我们不能增加两个数字,即30位数字。 因此,我不得不在进行扼杀。 并且使用AAA指挥系统,得出结果......
原文:IDE and Assembler for 8086/88
原文:IDE and Assembler for 8086/88
I want to learn how to programming with assembly language for 8086/88 processor, but I couldn t find any IDE and assembler for this reason.
原文:delete a file in protected mode env(like windows xp)
原文:delete a file in protected mode env(like windows xp)
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