我想加上两位30位数,并加起来。 如你在8086年所知,我们不能增加两个数字,即30位数字。 因此,我不得不在进行扼杀。 而使用AAA指挥系统,使结果大不相同,最后检查我们是否执行过,但主要问题是这一金额的结果不正确。 它给我59427532,其中6 689 + 759133。
.model small
.stack 64
max1 db 30
acc1 db ?
num1 db 30 dup( 0 )
max2 db 30
acc2 db ?
num2 db 30
sum db 31 dup( 0 ), $
mov ax,@data
mov ds, Ax
mov ah,0ah
lea dx, max1 ;take max 1 and length store it to acc1
int 21h
mov ah,0ah
lea dx,max2 ;take max2 and length store it to acc2
int 21h
mov cl,acc1 ;check if they are equal
cmp cl,acc2
jne exit
mov ch,0 ;make sure our cx is the length of our string
mov si,cx ;set the length for index the char
dec si
mov al,num1[si] ;sum two hex number
adc al,num2[si] ;add with carry flag
aaa ;seperate carry and hex number and store it into al
add al,30h ;convert it to ascii again
mov sum[si+2],al ;because of dec si we have to step
dec si
loop l1
jne print
mov sum,31h ; if we have carry flag add to sum otherwise jumpt print
mov ah,09h ;the main problem is here shows the result
lea dx,sum
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
end start