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原标题:glsl pyOpenGL array passing

I m currently playing around with glsl. For that purpose i need to pass an array from the opengl code to the gsls, which then in return calculates a new color out of the array. But somehow this doesn t work for me. Instead of getting the whole array I m always stuck with only the first entry. Could you help me by saying what I m doing wrong?

import numpy as np
array = np.array([1.2,2.5,3.8,4.3,5.6, #....])
location = glGetUniformLocation(program,"arrayInShader")

以及 in:

uniform float arrayInShader[5];
varying vec3 color;
void main()



<代码>glUniform*v的第二个参数是count。 卸载内容的数量。 你说,你只把1个浮体重新装入阵列,因此,开放式利比里亚公司只向阵列载一个浮体。



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