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How to convert a list of symbols to strings and then split by a delimiter
  • 时间:2023-08-22 02:12:00
  •  标签:
  • kdb

Say I have a list of symbols like so...

q) list

I d like to split this so I end up with this list of strings...

q) new_list

how is that done?

I can do this using something like...

string1: "`" vs string list[0]
string1: "." vs string1[1]

But not sure how to do the full list


You can use vs, each and each right (/:):

q)string first each` vs/:`hello_world.q`hello_world_2.q

Use case of vs is documented here: https://code.kx.com/q/ref/vs/#symbol-by-dot


q)string(` vs `hello_world.q`hello_world_2.q)[;0]

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