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How do I save a program in kdb/q?
  • 时间:2011-10-25 08:34:53
  •  标签:
  • kdb

Most of the examples seem to be run in REPL mode. Is it possible to load myprog.q from disk?


Sure, you just need to provide the name of the .q script as an argument to the q process:

/opt/app/KX/q2.7/q /opt/app/path/to/script/myprog.q -p 5000

would start a q process on port 5000. On startup it will execute the contents of your script.


Alternatively, from inside a running REPL,

l myprog.q

will load the script.

Also note that you can persist the root workspace to disk and resume later:

$ q
q)`:workspace set get`.
$ q workspace

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