我的主要形式包括另外两个儿童分行。 当文箱对文后(A)进行价值改动时,我想确定文箱在文后(B)上的价值,等于文后(A)上改动的文本箱。
因此,我完全是新来接触我,我感到有些厌恶,它希望能与一些美国律师协会一道做到这一点。 因此,在更新活动之后,我增加了这一缩略语。
Private Sub ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.Parent.Forms.formA.textboxDestination.Value = Me.textboxSource.Value
End Sub
I am doing this using the code builder. Then I save and run the form. Nothing happens. No errors.. nothing I am not even sure that piece of code is running. I m not even sure how one debugs VBA in Access. Can someone help me out?