我刚刚读过一个开放的GLFAQ:。 http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/ Techno/transformations.htm。
Look at their section entitled "9.005 Are OpenGL matrices column-major or row-major?" Toward the bottom it says:
“因此,在光谱和蓝皮书中使用一栏jor格式,在开放式GL方案拟定社区造成了无休止的混乱。 Column-major的 not表示,矩阵不会被记为方案管理员。
Now, I ve been going out of my way to always pass matrix data to OpenGL in column-major order so as not to waste OpenGL s processing time on transpose operations. But does this FAQ s answer imply that I don t need to be doing that?