I know there are several techniques to achieve this, but none of them seems sufficient.
我们现在已经解决的是,使我的物体的后方首先具有坚实的颜色,比实际物体大得多。 结果确实看好,但我真的希望我的大纲能够保持宽松。
我已尝试使我的物体后方有厚线。 如果提纲突然改变方向(例如,在多瑙河上)。 由于这一技术的其他问题,我尚未尝试使用第三件使照相机,显示每个透镜线的大小。
edit I even looked at finding the edges myself using a geometry shader, as described in http://prideout.net/blog/?p=54, but it suffers from the same gaps as the wireframe technique.
My goal is to get the same effect they use on characters in the Dragons Lair 3 game. Does anyone know how they did it?