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原标题:glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) - nothing rendered
  • 时间:2012-04-06 10:44:56
  •  标签:
  • opengl

在开放式利比里亚论坛,我展示了一个简单的模式。 当我能够深入缓冲时,


一切都消失。 http://www.opengl.org/archives/resources/faq/tech/Deptbuffer.htm” 开放式利比里亚武装部队,但它帮助我。

我的观点是:angle=45deg,near=1,far=40,我将模型置于(0,0,0),我把目光放在(0,4)上。 如果没有Z-buffer,I can,见模型。






  • If you have GL_CULL_FACE enabled check the winding order of your model s vertices. (LH) vs (RH).
  • If GL_DEPTH_TEST is enabled; then check the planes to your frustum against your model view projection matrix along with the camera s position & view direction.
  • If GL_BLEND is enabled; check the rendering order of your objects in comparison to the z-buffer.

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