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原标题:Will updating a uniform value stall the whole rendering pipeline?

The glBufferSubData manpage s notes section contains the following paragraph:

考虑使用多个缓冲物体,以避免在数据储存更新过程中铺设管道。 如果管道中的任何投放都提到正在由冰川子公司(特别是正在更新的特定区域)更新的缓冲物体中的数据,那么,在数据储存更新之前,必须从管道中提取数据。

While the glUniform* manpage doesn t mention the pipeline at all.
However, I would have thought that uniforms are just as important as buffers, given that they re supposed to be uniform across all shader invocations.
So, if I perform a draw call, change a uniform value and then perform another draw call on the same shader, will both draw calls run concurrently with different uniform values, or will the second draw call have to wait until every stage (vert/geom/frag) is complete on the first one?


The question in its general form is pretty much unanswerable. However consider this:

自LL全球升温潜能值和ARB的组装语言出现以来,统一/参数状态一直储存在粉碎物中。 只有在统一区块和缓冲物体有可能将统一状态与方案分开。 因此,直到此为止,一个好5年多的年份,改变统一的唯一办法是改变方案。



司机开发商并不 st;即使英特尔公司司机开发商也 are。 不管其硬件是什么样子,它们都能够找到一种方式来进行统一变革,而不是使管道瘫痪。



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