English 中文(简体)
Knockout js:使新的投入名称具有独特性
原标题:Knockout js: making the new input name unique

我先与Knockout一道采取初步步骤。 j 采用(两个复杂)表格计算未付账单的账面,同时铭记部分付款、费用和合同处罚。

这一计算将在PHP中处理,因为在PHP中,当时在联合材料中,I m比较少。 Knockout正在处理增加新形式领域的动态,使甚至在最复杂的情况下使用的形式具有灵活性。


  • invoice[$i][name] / invoice[$i][amount] / invoice[$i][date] / ...
  • payment[$j][name] / ...
  • cost[$k][name] / ...


data-bind="attr:{name: someFunctionToGiveUniqueName}"

I ve looked into the uniqueName-binding, but I need to have three uniqueNames and I should be able to customize the resulting name to keep the data structured.

This is my viewModel (and it works, except for the not-so-unique-naming-of-inputfields):

        <script type="text/javascript">

        // Overall viewmodel
        function ViewModel() {
            var self = this;

            // Data
            self.Hoofdsom   = ko.observableArray();
            self.Betaling   = ko.observableArray();
            self.Kost       = ko.observableArray();

            self.hsBeschr   = ko.observable();
            self.hsBedrag   = ko.observable();
            self.hsVerval   = ko.observable();

            self.hsIntr     = ko.observable();
            self.hsIntrType = ko.observable();

            self.hsSchadeType = ko.observable();
            self.hsSchadePerc = ko.observable(10);
            self.hsSchadeMin = ko.observable(0);
            self.hsSchadeMax = ko.observable(1500);

            // Initial State

            // Operations
            self.addHoofdsom = function() {
            self.remHoofdsom = function(hfd){
            self.addBetaling = function() {
            self.remBetaling = function(bet){
            self.addKost = function() {
            self.remKost = function(kos){

        // Apply bindings
        ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());


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