English 中文(简体)
Mamailer 工作不正确
原标题:Mailer isn t working correctly

因此我有一个有趣的问题。 我们设置了这个 PHP 脚本来发送电子邮件, 问题是第一套电子邮件处 ===============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================


   if(!$_POST){echo "Please go back"; exit();}

echo "<form action="confirm2.php" METHOD="POST">";

foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
   // echo $key.": ".$value. "<br> ";
    echo "<input type="hidden" name="$key" value="$value">";

$message =   ;
$DelMonth = $_POST[ DelMonth ];
$DelDay = $_POST[ DelDay ];
$DelYear = $_POST[ DelYear ];
$Teller_Id = $_POST[ Teller_Id ];
$First = $_POST[ First ];
$Branch = $_POST[ Branch ];
$Deposit_Ticket_Currency = $_POST[ deposit_tickets_currency ];
$Deposit_Ticket_Coin = $_POST[ deposit_tickets_coin ];
$Last = $_POST[ Last ];
$FIT100 = $_POST[ FIT100 ];
$FIT50 = $_POST[ FIT50 ];
$FIT20 = $_POST[ FIT20 ];
$FIT10 = $_POST[ FIT10 ];
$FIT5 = $_POST[ FIT5 ];
$FIT2 = $_POST[ FIT2 ];
$FIT1 = $_POST[ FIT1 ];
$New_Currency100 = $_POST[ New_Currency100 ];
$New_Currency50 = $_POST[ New_Currency50 ];
$New_Currency20 = $_POST[ New_Currency20 ];
$New_Currency10 = $_POST[ New_Currency10 ];
$New_Currency5 = $_POST[ New_Currency5 ];
$New_Currency2 = $_POST[ New_Currency2 ];
$New_Currency1 = $_POST[ New_Currency1 ];
$Rolled_CoinSusanb = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinSusanb ];
$Rolled_CoinDollar = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinDollar ];
$Rolled_CoinFifty = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinFifty ];
$Rolled_CoinQuarter = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinQuarter ];
$Rolled_CoinDimes = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinDimes ];
$Rolled_CoinNickels = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinNickels ];
$Rolled_CoinPennies = $_POST[ Rolled_CoinPennies ];

$comments = $_POST[ comments ];

$message .= "<table border="1">";
$message .= "<tr><td>Requested Delivery Date:</td><td>$DelMonth/$DelDay/$DelYear</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Requested By: </td><td><b>$Teller_Id</b> -- $First $Last</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Branch</td><td>$Branch</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Deposit Ticket -- Currency</td><td>$Deposit_Ticket_Currency</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Deposit Ticket -- Coins</td><td>$Deposit_Ticket_Coin</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Comments</td><td>$comments</td></tr></table>";

$message .= "<hr><table><tr><td colspan="2"><b>For FIT</b></td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Ones</td><td>$$FIT1</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Twos</td><td>$$FIT2</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Fives</td><td>$$FIT5</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Tens</td><td>$$FIT10</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Twenties</td><td>$$FIT20</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Fifties</td><td>$$FIT50</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Hundreds</td><td>$$FIT100</td></tr>";

$message .= "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Total</font color></b></td><td><b><font color=red>$$FITTOT</font color></b></td></table>";

$message .= "<hr><table><tr><td colspan="2"><b>For New Currency</b></td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Ones</td><td>$$New_Currency1</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Twos</td><td>$$New_Currency2</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Fives</td><td>$$New_Currency5</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Tens</td><td>$$New_Currency10</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Twenties</td><td>$$New_Currency20</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Fifties</td><td>$$New_Currency50</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Hundreds</td><td>$$New_Currency100</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Total</font color></b></td><td><b><font color=red>$$New_CurrencyTOT</font color></b></td></tr></table>";

$message .= "<hr><table><tr><td colspan="2"><b>For Rolled Coin</b></td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Pennies</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinPennies</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Nickels</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinNickels</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Dimes</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinDimes</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Quarters</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinQuarter</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Fifty Cent Pieces</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinFifty</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Susan B s</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinSusanb</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td>Dollar Coins</td><td>$$Rolled_CoinDollar</td></tr>";
$message .= "<tr><td><font color=red><b>Total</b></font color></td><td><b><font color=red>$$Rolled_CoinTOT</font color></b></td></tr></table>";
$message .= "<table><tr><td><font color=red><b>GRAND TOTAL</b></font color></td><td><b><u><font color=green>$$Grand_Tot</font color></u></b></td></tr></table>";
//<font color=red>.</font color>
if($_POST[ SendEmail ]== true ){
echo "<h2>Email has been sent!</h2> <a href="http://www.google.com">Click here to exit</a>";
$to1 = [email protected] ;
$to1 .= [email protected] ;
 /*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
 $to1 = [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected] ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected] ;
 /*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
 $to1 = [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected] ;

 /*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
 $to1 = [email protected], ;
 /*$to1 .=  [email protected], ;*/
 $to1 .=  [email protected], ;
 $to1 .=  [email protected] ;

/*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
$to1 = [email protected], ;
$to1 .= [email protected], ;
$to1 .= [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected] ;
/*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
$to1 = [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected] ;
/*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
$to1 = [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected] ;

//Sending Actual Email
$subject1 =  CASHORDER REQUEST ;
$headers1 =  From: Cash Order   ."
$headers1 .=  Reply-To:  ."
$headers1 .=  MIME-Version: 1.0  . "
$headers1 .=  Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  . "
$mail_sent = @mail( $to1, $subject1, $message, $headers1 );

else { echo $message; }

echo "<table><h2>Please confirm the amounts are correct & hit the <u>Place Cash Order button</u><br>To make changes, hit the back button in your browser</h2>";
echo "<input type="submit" value="Place Cash Order" style="width: 150px; height: 100px;">";
echo "<input type="hidden" name="SendEmail" value="true">";
echo "</td></tr></table>"
/*$to1 = [email protected], ;*/
$to1 = [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected], ;
$to1 .=  [email protected] ;
$to1 .=  [email protected] ;

在第三个电子邮件地址之后, 您会丢失一个逗号 - 我怀疑当您试图发送电子邮件时会出错, 因为电子邮件地址格式错误 。



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