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Compiling Qtadas with MinGW
原标题:Compiling Qt Creator with MinGW

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_Creator"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>Qt



Compiling Qt Creator

你们需要Qt 4.6才能建设Qt造物。




c 美元

qmake$ SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qtcreator.pro


A. 导 言 很简单,是手头拥有Qt造物公司(甚至以前曾是Verion)的装饰前版本,并打开档案。

If your development kit is set to minGW, that is you have ensure that: - Qmake from the required version of Qt is identified in Qt identification - Gcc path is set correctly) then the existing version of Qt Creator will be used to do the build automatically. Do not forgot eventually to do a off site build (enabling shadow build).


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