Don t call a constant using myClass.myconst
without creating an instance first! Unless speed is not an issue. I was under the impression that the first call to a constant property would create an instance and then all future calls would reference that instance, (Properties with Constant Values), but I no longer believe that to be the case. I created a very basic test function of the form:
for n = 1:N
a = myObj.field;
t = toc;
With classes defined like:
classdef TestObj
field = 10;
classdef TestHandleObj < handle
field = 10;
classdef TestConstant
properties (Constant)
field = 10;
For different cases of objects, handle-objects, nested objects etc (as well as assignment operations). Note that these were all scalars; I didn t investigate arrays, cells or chars. For N = 1,000,000 my results (for total elapsed time) were:
Access(s) Assign(s) Type of object/call
0.0034 0.0042 myObj.field
0.0033 0.0042 myStruct.field
0.0034 0.0033 myVar //Plain old workspace evaluation
0.0033 0.0042 myNestedObj.obj.field
0.1581 0.3066 myHandleObj.field
0.1694 0.3124 myNestedHandleObj.handleObj.field
29.2161 - TestConstant.const //Call directly to class(supposed to be faster)
0.0034 - myTestConstant.const //Create an instance of TestConstant
0.0051 0.0078 TestObj > methods //This calls get and set methods that loop internally
0.1574 0.3053 TestHandleObj > methods //get and set methods (internal loop)
I also created a Java class and ran a similar test:
12.18 17.53 jObj.field > in matlab for loop
0.0043 0.0039 jObj.get and jObj.set loop N times internally
The overhead in calling the Java object is high, but within the object, simple access and assign operations happen as fast as regular matlab objects. If you want reference behavior to boot, Java may be the way to go. I did not investigate object calls within nested functions, but I ve seen some weird things. Also, the profiler is garbage when it comes to a lot of this stuff, which is why I switched to manually saving the times.
For reference, the Java class used:
public class JtestObj {
public double field = 10;
public double getMe() {
double N = 1000000;
double val = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
val = this.field;
return val;
public void setMe(double val) {
double N = 1000000;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++){
this.field = val;
On a related note, here s a link to a table of NIST constants: ascii table and a matlab function that returns a struct with those listed values: Matlab FileExchange