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How to associate a URL to an application using Cocoa

From the command prompt it s possible to run for example "open http://www.example.com" and have that homepage displayed in the default browser.

Similarly you can run "open callto:xyz123" to open up a skype-call to user xyz123.

I d like to do the same with a customized web browser without replacing the default web browser. My idea is to register a new protocol (mb) so that when I run "open mb://www.example.com" that web page will open up in this new custom browser.

How can an application register itself to handle URL s with a certain protocol?


Found it, it s in the Info.plist file using the key CFBundleURLTypes



Using PHP to find part of a URL

Take this domain: http://www.?.co.uk/elderly-care-advocacy/mental-capacity-act-advance-medical-directive.html How could i use PHP to find the everything between the first and second slash regardless ...

Domains & Foreward Slash

This is rather difficult to explain so please bear with me. We will be hosting 4 websites on our server and the plan is to have each site sit under its own domain: site-a.com site-b.com sub1.site-b....

Encoding of window.location.hash

Does window.location.hash contain the encoded or decoded representation of the url part? When I open the same url (http://localhost/something/#%C3%BC where %C3%BCtranslates to ü) in Firefox 3.5 and ...

Auth-code with A-Za-z0-9 to use in an URL parameter

As part of a web application I need an auth-code to pass as a URL parameter. I am currently using (in Rails) : Digest::SHA1.hexdigest((object_id + rand(255)).to_s) Which provides long strings like : ...

RubyCAS-Client question: Rails

I ve installed RubyCAS-Client version 2.1.0 as a plugin within a rails app. It s working, but I d like to remove the ?ticket= in the url. Is this possible?


我撰写了一个网络服务,期望一个参数(所谓的“hlink”)成为一种ur。 在使用网络服务之前,URLEncode 所涉参数(“hlink”)。 然后我打电话......。
