The only solution is to show that cheating does not do anything beneficial for humanity and to show to cheaters that humanity is more important then some ego based reward they get from cheating. You cannot detect a computer vs human in all cases without putting them in a isolated room with no way to cheat. There are very good players, are they cheaters?
The reason there are cheaters is because society has allowed cheaters to exist and perpetuate and benefit.
Ask yourself, why does a person cheat? Self-worth? money?
When a society doesn t fulfill the needs that every human being needs the human beings find ways to do so.
e.g., if you are poor and can cheat at something(e.g., politics), become "wealthy", get a hot wife, famous, etc... then you are likely to do that.
In a perfect society everyone is equally wealthy and everyone works to help each other. There are no famous people because that creates an imbalance and everyone realizes that. There are no ugly or hot people because everyone is what they are. There are no fat people either because everyone works out to be healthy and not to be a drain on society(which makes them look better).
America and Christianity(and just about every other religion) have created a huge inversion of morality. By focusing on materialism, imaginary scenarios of life after death(Santa Clause and Tooth Fairy stuff just wrapped up in a guy named Jesus and a book instead of a Tooth).
The problems are fundamental and much more than chess and to solve the chess problem one must solve the fundamental problem. Society and humanity must change. Since this won t happen any time soon and is too complex a problem for 99.9% people to grasp(most are too busy reading their bible for answers that never work) the best thing to do for any individual that understands the consequences of cheating is to simply not cheat and life with the cheaters the best they can.
Don t go to the dark side and things will eventually get better. Cheaters cheat... they cheat each everyone, themselves, and life and there are consequences.
e.g., suppose you could divide the world up in to two groups. Cheaters and non-cheaters. You could isolate both. The cheaters would eventually die out because they don t do anything worth while. They are effectively parasites and need a host to life. Remove the host and they die(it doesn t happen in the real world because they can thrive and do quite well, because the non-cheaters are generally ignorant of the fact and unwilling to make hard choices. (e.g., if a husband is a cheater and the wife isn t, she usually stays with him rather than leaving him... or better yet, never marrying a cheater in the first place(which is hard but easier if Christianity didn t make it so hard).)
I ll give you an example: I used to play counter strike(a first person shooter) when it came out. There was obvious cheating going on and I knew it(it s impossible for humans to do certain things, just physics). I did research and found some bots and started cheating myself. When I suspected cheating I would use the bot. Guess what?!?! Sometimes I would lose! Bots are nearly perfect and instantaneous... yet I would lose! That means there are other cheaters! I would call them out and tell them I am cheating and that they are too. Most would say they weren t but I had a few admit they were.
What did I do? I quit playing the game when I realized it was more than 25% cheaters. I knew that I got nothing out of it. Cheaters don t get better at what they do. They cheat because they suck and can t handle the fact that there are better people in the world. Which goes back to society, because society creates these feels(sports, for example... just turn on TV and you ll see someone talking about how X is so great because he did Y... and it subconsciously makes you feel like you are not great, even though you are because your in the top 0.00000000001% of intelligence on this planet and probably galaxy).
Games are suppose to be about learning. When you cheat you don t learn. Society has forgot that and instead make fun of people that are not as good at something as someone else... but this is almost solely due to time. People good at X put in a ton of time in it. Cheaters don t get that. They first think the other person must be cheating because "How could I lose??!?! I am a genius! They must be cheating! I will cheat too! I m saved, I will go to heaven! So it s ok!".
Think about it!
If people were completely honest and cared about everyone else(because it matters), we wouldn t have: Murders, cheaters, scammers, captchas, passwords, rich/poor, iOS(ok, joking ;), etc...
It can be done but only through enlightenment. When people learn the world isn t flat, that it takes two to tango, etc then we will get beyond all this mess. Until then, we can only work on trying to make it better:
Don t cheat or you become like them and go to the dark side... which is only fun temporarily cause that s how it gets its teeth in you.
If you play any type of game with others expect that they will be cheating. If they are not cheaters, then they won t get mad. When someone accuses me of cheating I take it as a compliment because it means I am better than they are(well, that s ego but it s ok because I don t take it personally ;)
Playing with cheaters only makes you better. Imagine 99% of people on cheating... and you don t. You will get better because you will learn strategy. They can t beat you in the real world then. The real deal is always better than the fake synthetic crap that America and Christianity pushes down our throats.
Ultimately it doesn t matter. You are going on die. There is only one purpose in life and that s to transcend. Know that if you are against cheating you are already further along than cheaters. But it s not a game, help them transcend and the world and after life will be better.
Or you can move to a large deserted island like me and just allow the bad world to cheat itself to death! I d invite you to stay but only if you can prove to me that you aren t a cheater! ;)