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QTP - testing while browser/page title changes

I am trying to make simple testing but failed because I have no clue how to handle with browser title that changes during the testing.

Simple example: Google>Find "blabol"

Once its done, the browser title in QTP changes its name to "Google - results....". This is obviously problem when the search text is a variable that changes between iterations because the browser text is hardcoded. I would need something like "this browser" and "this page", if you get what I mean. Thanks


In a couple of words, you can use a variety of properties for identification of the object in QTP, and you can use Regular Expressions to add even more flexibility. For example, in your case, possible ways to address web browser would be the following.

1) Addressing first browser window (first opened) and any page

Set objBrowser = Browser("creationtime:=0")
Set objPage = objBrowser.Page("title:=.*")

2) If you assume that you always work with Google page.

Set objBrowser = Browser("title:=.*Google.*")
Set objGooglePage = objBrowser.Page("title:=.*Google.*") 

3) Addressing page with particular search results

sSearchWord = "blabol"
boolRC = Browser("title:=" & sSearchWord & " - Google Search.*").Page("title:=" &  sSearchWord & " - Google Search.*")

Thank you, Albert Gareev



This is why QTP doesn t by default use the title as part of the description of the Browser. You should note that the description of the Page doesn t have to be strict since there is only one Page per Browser at any given time (different Pages only exist in order to help organize the object repository).

You may want to examine using the "open title" property in the description, since this doesn t change during navigation.

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