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QTP - 取得要素价值
原标题:QTP - getting value of element

I am beginning with QTP and just cannot find out how to get value of element. For example when I just want to compare the number of results found by google. I tried to select the element with object spy and use Val(Element) to assign the value into variable..but it doesnt work. Could anyone help with this? BTW, I am not sure whether selecting the text (element) to compare with Object spy is correct. Thanks!




 <p id="resultStats"> Results <b>1</b> - <b>10</b> of about 
 for <b>qtp</b>. (<b>0.22</b> seconds)</p>

因此,下面的文字是编号(用 com体加)。

  .WebElement("html id:=resultStats")
   .WebElement("html tag:=b","index:=2").GetROProperty("innertext")


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