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A. 游戏中沙分技术/用途概述/资料
原标题:Overview/showcase of shader techniques/uses for games

I am looking for resources that can provide me with a better understanding of what kind of things shaders are used for in games, what they can do, and maybe even more importantly, what they cannot. I understand how the graphics pipeline works and all that, and I have made some very basic shaders in GLSL (mostly just to replace the fixed-function pipeline functionality), but I don t yet fully understand which things are only possible with custom shaders, which things can be done more efficiently, etc. I have been able to find some examples of certain techniques, most notably lighting, but I am looking for a more higher-level overview of their usage.

与概述相比,某些有趣技术的联系和解释也受到赞赏(但低于概述;) ,更倾向于采用全球升温潜能值或伪装。




  1. Per-pixel lighting
  2. Shadow mapping.
  3. GPU skinning (i.e. matrix palette skinning) for animated meshes.
  4. Any of the various post-process effects that are common today: bloom, SSAO, depth of field, etc.
  5. Deferred shading.
  6. Implementing arbitrary/"other" lighting models like Oren–Nayar, Cook–Torrance, Rim-Lighting, etc.

我确信,一些人会随我的评估而放弃,即通过固定功能的放弃(through或各种固定功能的延伸)来实现这些 could。

在可规划的沙板之前,供应商必须在硬件/供应商中实施一定效果,而且必须是可以通过APIC加以合理表述的东西。 现在,你可以有效地实施你想要的任何用户界定的代码(在不同的螺旋阶段和硬件的其他限制的限制下),以便你能够灵活地按照你认为是合适的方式,大大定制你的管道和发明新的技术。

Take a look at the first couple GPU Gems books (which can be read for free on Nvidia s website) to get a feel for the types of techniques that were showing up once programmable hardware was available.



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