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原标题:Making a simplistic video game
  • 时间:2011-04-17 13:37:22
  •  标签:
  • c
  • graphics

I m about establishing a simisticisticistic video. game. I m not talking about anything fancy, but about a game as this:


自2006年以来 我要学习的是,我更希望不要使用图书馆,而是像我自己那样进行滚动。 我需要知道如何使汽车和轨迹化,处理与其他汽车的碰撞。 I m Target-030, MacOS X andOS。 我担心,像开放式利比里亚民主运动这样的图书馆使事情“简单”。

是否有很好的资源来讨论这一问题? 我发现的多数辅导/论文都以大众图书馆和建筑、发动机为基础。







此外,我建议你首先学习C++。 能够用目标导向的方法模仿你的问题领域,将有助于你将问题分解成可减半的单位。

It will be more or less impossible to develop a game without using any library. I guess you would have to go back to good old C64 days to do that. If you are interested in learning, I would look for a more low level library, which provides access to graphics, sound, ... But it should leave the logic to you.

I would propose to have a look at http://www.pygame.org/. It makes working with graphics, sprites, ... easy, is still relativly low level and Python is a great language to get started with.

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