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原标题:General Advice - Robotics / AI
  • 时间:2011-04-23 16:58:41
  •  标签:
  • robotics

这并不是要问任何疑问或询问。 我知道这是一个技术论坛,因此,这将是我获得建议的最佳平台。

我是计算机工程硕士生,对机器人感兴趣。 我对我从哪里开始应该开始感到困惑。 我有两门课程,一是控制机器人,另一门课程是根据对大赦国际的介绍。 我不想把这两个课程结合起来。 我感到困惑的是,我需要首先控制机器人还是首先控制大赦国际?

Also, if you know any good forums/blogs on AI then please share... Would be a lot helpful.



AI and robot control are different subjects, and do not necesssarily cross over that much. AI covers writing software that is intelligent, and applies to things as disperate as character recognition in scanned text, stock market analysis and face detection. There are uses of AI techniques with mobile and manipulator robotics, but there are lots of good robot projects out there that are implemented with zero AI.

你为机器人开办的控制课程可能涵盖kin子和机器人的动态、道路规划,并涵盖实用机器人知识的公平范围。 所有这些课程都是建设和控制机器人的重要知识,如果机器人是你的目标目的地,那么我会这样做。 在机器人领域,你可以做良好的工作,不懂大赦国际,但你知道机器人控制。


Well, I would take the AI class first, because I would want to know more about the logic before going to the control part.
As far as forums go, you could check out the AI Forum, and the AI Depot (the AI Depot is not exactly a forum, but it has some good resources and articles).

You can also check out these Area51 StackExchange site proposals:
Cognitive Science
Robotics Research
Machine Learning

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