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Julia: Return Minimum Date in DataFrame

The question is fairly simple. How do I return the minimum purchase date for each customer using Tidier?

using Tidier, DataFrames, Plots, CSV

f = "path"

df = CSV.File(f) |> DataFrame
df = @chain df begin
    @rename(order_id = SHOPIFY_ORDER_ID,
            customer_id = CUSTOMER_ID,
            date = SHIPMONTH,
            revenue = GROSS_REVENUE,
            country = Country)
    @filter(country != "CA")
    @filter(revenue != 0.0)

# logic to calculate summary stats
df_sum = @chain df begin
        cohort = min(date)

min(df[!, :date])

for df_sum I receive the following error:

ERROR: ArgumentError: argument is not a permutation Stacktrace: [1] invperm(a::Vector{Int64}) @ Base .combinatorics.jl:282 [2] groupby(df::DataFrame, cols::Cols{Tuple{Symbol}}; sort::Bool, skipmissing::Bool) @ DataFrames C:path.juliapackagesDataFramesLteElsrcgroupeddataframegroupeddataframe.jl:264 [3] top-level scope @ path.jl:453

When attemtping to identify the min date in the data.frame I receive the error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching min(::Vector{Union{Missing, Dates.Date}})

Closest candidates are: min(::Any, ::Missing) @ Base missing.jl:134 min(::Any, ::Any) @ Base operators.jl:481
min(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) @ Base operators.jl:578 ...

Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope @ c:pathscript.jl:28

Which indicates to me that min doesn t work where there is a Missing data type, but I m not sure how to solve from there.


You probably need to use minimum instead of min. I do not see your data. If you have missing values then minimum should still just work, but if you wanted maximum you would need to skipmissing first.

Elaborating on Bogumił Kamiński’s answer, you could try the following code:

df_sum = @chain df begin
        minimum_date = minimum(skipmissing(date))

The other thing to consider is whether you want to add a column to your existing dataset, or whether you simply want to return the minimum date only for each customer.

Here are two alternative approaches:

The first one will return only the customer_id and the minimum date for each customer.

df_sum = @chain df begin
        minimum_date = minimum(skipmissing(date))

In case you want to return the whole row, here’s the second approach:

df_sum = @chain df begin
        date == minimum(skipmissing(date))

Without having access to the original dataset, it’s hard to confirm if these will work for you. If these don’t work, please let us know!

Thanks for using Tidier.jl, and congrats on asking the first-ever Tidier.jl question on StackOverflow!


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