I am writing code for DOS using Bochs. I am compiling the program using NASM
Lets suppose i have the following code:
[BITS 16]
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov bx, msg
mov al, byte [bx]
int 21h
msg DB "teststring", 00h
Why is it that nasm complains on the line:
mov al, byte [bx]
of invalid effective address?
If instead of using bx i use the si registry, the program compiles an works as supposed, loading the ascii value of t in al.
Why is it?
EDIT: Found that I can t use BX for indexing.
If I wanted to load what s pointed in a determined part of the data segment, you could do the following:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
mov al, byte [si] ; Loading first char
inc si
mov al, byte [si] ; Loading second char
If I wanted to keep si pointing to the start of the string, i could then use BX to be the offset:
mov al, byte [si + bx]
or even
mov al, byte [si + n] ; where n is an integer value
But to my understanding, bx could also be used, so the problem still resides.