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NASM on DOS (Intel 8086): invalid effective address

I am writing code for DOS using Bochs. I am compiling the program using NASM
Lets suppose i have the following code:

[BITS 16]

    SEGMENT code

mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov bx, msg
mov al, byte [bx]
int 21h

    SEGMENT data

msg  DB "teststring", 00h

Why is it that nasm complains on the line:

mov al, byte [bx]

of invalid effective address?

If instead of using bx i use the si registry, the program compiles an works as supposed, loading the ascii value of t in al.

Why is it?

EDIT: Found that I can t use BX for indexing.
If I wanted to load what s pointed in a determined part of the data segment, you could do the following:

mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
mov al, byte [si] ; Loading first char
inc si
mov al, byte [si] ; Loading second char

If I wanted to keep si pointing to the start of the string, i could then use BX to be the offset:

mov al, byte [si + bx]

or even

mov al, byte [si + n] ; where n is an integer value

But to my understanding, bx could also be used, so the problem still resides.


I think you made more than one typo in your question :-) First of, in 16 bit mode [bp][bx][si][di] are all valid addressing modes. Even the old 8086 can use [bx] as an effective address. Where as [dx] can not be used in 16 bit mode, afaik it needs to be running in 32 bit mode. Together with your line

mov dx, msg


mov al, byte [bx]

I assume you wrote in fact mov al, [dx] and nasm is correctly complaining about [dx] as an invalid address. So if you meant, you found out you can t use [bx], you were wrong - you found out that you need to take more care in not misspelling "b" for "d".

You sure the error is not on this line?

mov ds, data

Perhaps you meant:

mov ds, ax

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