I want to create a Stream Flink app that will process the events that falls within the latest event timestamp to different time windows, e.g. 10 minutes, 1 day and 1 month.
So lets say I got an event at 12:01, this is my latest timestamp, so the process will grab all events produced from 12:01 to 12:11. Same for other window sizes.
I am not sure I understand how windows work, but I get that I have a stream and that events will be processed in a window, but there are multiple outputs for a window, and windows have a defined start and end, not a moving start-end timestamp. I guess this would look like a sliding window, where the stream is a fixed size by timestamps, so new events pop out old events as they come if they are out of the 10 minute window.
Is this something I set up in flink or in my datastream (maybe kafka)?
I am relatively new to Flink, and I checked the sliding window documentation, but it seems it serves a different function.