原文:Codeignieter data is not initialized in index function
I am trying to initialize data in index function of controller, so that initialized data can be used in subsequent functions of controller. But the problem is data is not being displayed when I am ...
原文:OOP design - creation strategies/patterns
就业务办公室的做法而言,我正在开展一个霍比项目,这是一个静.方案,它读过从txt文档中得出的表格,并询问表格中的条目。 这样做是为了便利学习......。
原文:Re-purposing an existing GUI, while keeping most of the same functionality [closed]
原文:Expose methods of nested class
我有一个称为“ClientConnection”的公立学校。 在该类别中,我有一份称为“File Transfers(ByVal TransferID)”的公共阅读财产。 财产归还“......”类物品。
原文:Can outer class be defined as static and enclose inner static class?
把外产阶级定义为静态的,也存在于静态的阶层? 只需要一个外部和内部课程。 外部舱位可以抽象,封闭舱位为......
原文:Why is it possible to specify an interface method s implementation in C#? [closed]
从 Java背景来看,我知道,接口方法不能包含接口内的代码,如下文所述(摘自此处):
原文:Sharing objects between threads in C# and WCF
我有一台服务器,显示SOAP WCF服务端点。 该服务器还使用一个称为“Ensemble”(与问题无关)的集团通信框架,以便与......联系。
原文:Design Alternatives : Peer to Peer application
我准备在 Java为学校项目开发一个同侪档案共享申请,并思考其设计。 我用两种办法 st:
原文:Need some help to understand Anotations - Spring annotations
I am trying to learn Spring and Hibernate and i am really struggling to understand Annotations and how they work. Most of the example i am seeing on the Internet are annotation based examples so i ...
原文:PHP OOP "Implementation must be compatible" [duplicate]
I m在PHP OOP和打字时遇到麻烦。 例如:
原文:Why does Python seem to treat instance variables as shared between objects?
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- oop
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- encapsulation
- information-hiding