我正在为我们的新游戏在团结建造一个习俗沙分图书馆。 但是,我正在考虑是否需要在我的图书馆真正使用。 就我所知(我列举这些内容是为了澄清):
- real will be compiled as half or float depending on the platform
- half will be treated as float on PC
- We should use half as much as possible on mobile (So real doesn t make sense on PC?)
- If we are certain that high precision is required, we will manually declare it as float
- What is the function of real ?
- Does it mean that real will be compiled as float on some mobile devices and make it difficult to control its performance?
- Should we use real in our custom shader library?
我试图利用真正的机动游戏,利用SnapdragonProfiler捕获一个框架。 但是,Snapdragon Profiler所收集的斜体代码显示,我向团结编辑申报的变量都在使用半个登记册。