原文:how to call php script from just server by bash?
i 每天要执行一个文件箱。 i 含有以下线的印本。 并且正用这一文字。 但是,可以通过这种方式从另一台计算机中执行。 ......
原文:How can I extract an item ID from an HTML file using shell tools?
我有一份标语(每行一个)的文件,我需要通过这份清单开放和循环。 有时用一个名字,下载相应的超文本页面,并提取“项目_id”......
原文:Redirecting a Segfault error message to a file from a C++ program
原文:Can you access the code of an exit command in a trap?
原文:getting the result of ps -ef as a variable
原文:Replace string in another file with sed from bash script
我试图将环境变量定义的价值(如果有的话)从纸面上取而代之。 我知道我可以这样做,但我不肯定,如何取代......的价值。
原文:How to remove a given line from a file
I m writing a BASH script to integrate our company s custom intranet with our postfix email server. In one situation, the script must delete a line from the postfix virtual file which takes on the ...
原文:Bash Script Loop Through MySQL
我需要一个能够从遥远的数据基中检索MySQL数据的仪表片。 实际上,我已经这样做了,但现在我需要做的是,通过一些记录,把一个变数传递给另一个记录......。
原文:How do I change the color of my Terminal.App when I log into my production remote on Heroku?
原文:How to run a bash script automatically on going to a directory?
我把我的所有项目都用快乐和dler子 sand,因此,它们都是完全独立的,其所有属地都可以控制源头。 在其中之一,即用两本......管理项目。
原文:bash obtain wc -l number and display in one command?
I m pretty sure this is going to be obvious, but currently im doing this: count=`find $dir -type f ( -perm -007 ) -print 2>/dev/null | wc -l` This gets me the number i want, but dosen t display ...
原文:bash: check if a particular git repository has github as remote repo?
I was wondering if it is, at all, possible to check if a git repository is using github.com as remote repository, and get the url for it via bash? Any help will be appreciated.
原文:Move all .jpeg from directory structure into one folder on Mac OS X
我的iPhoto数据库最近已经翻版,我需要从一个文件夹结构中抽取所有原件,到台上的一个中央文件夹。 ......
原文:Find file modes in console (fuzzy completion)
Is there any way to get in the console a functionality like ido find file mode for Emacs? For those not familiar with it is a way to recuresevely find files with autocomplete functionality (with no ...
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